Thanksgiving is almost upon us. Don’t forget to take care of yourself during all the hustle and bustle! The third Tuesday of November is National Entrepreneurs Day. But, what is an entrepreneur?

A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks to do so.

Oxford definition of Entrepreneur

What defines you as an entrepreneur? Are you an artist? Sole proprietor? Small business? What innovations do you offer? This may be the busiest time of year for you if you’re an artist who makes gifts or if you sell items online. Maybe you’re in the slow season as your services aren’t necessary during the holiday season. There are a few tools and suggestions at the end of the post to aid you in your journey.

Entrepreneurs innovate. They give us their life-blood. What sets entrepreneurs apart is their willingness to bravely change the landscape of business one small business at a time. The importance of the innovation that stems from working for one’s self is invaluable.

What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?

The origin of the word entrepreneur is entreprendre, which is French for undertake. So what do you undertake? We are reminded of the sacrifice of entrepreneurs with the upcoming Small Business Saturday, and all of November is actually Entrepreneurship Month. says there are three kinds of entrepreneurs. That we are either misfits, celebrities, or naivetes. Which category do you identify with? A little of all three, perhaps? I can relate.

Thank you for your support!

Special thanks to all the wonderful people who have read, shared, and commented on my posts thus far. Your encouragement and inquiries breathe life into my work. I would love to see you at my Winter Workshop where we’ll be covering Instagram Marketing in 2020. Instagram can be fussy this time of year. If you haven’t read over my Holiday Hashtags post, you may want to take a peek. One of the prime offenders is the banned #HappyThanksgiving hashtag. And while you’re here, make sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletters at the bottom of the page!

In closing, I will leave you with some resources and advice that you may find useful in building your business. These resources are personal recommendations that I have used to help build my own business. Your journey as an entrepreneur may be different, but many of us share the same qualities and needs.

Sometimes overlooked, but posting to Linkedin is a great way to promote your business. It requires a different approach than other social networks. Still, it can be beneficial to getting the word out there about your products or services.

Linkedin is great for entrepreneurs!

Looking for publicity? A resource for getting backlinks and PR called Help a Reporter Out allows businesses and entrepreneurs to pitch directly to journalists. There are all kinds of inquiries for professionals and products to pitch and get a chance to be featured online or in print.

If you’re looking for something to read that will motivate you through the holidays, then consider reading The Power of Habit. I really enjoy the case studies and other information that Charles Duhigg has put together for this title. There is power in routine, and more often than not, entrepreneurs can strongly relate to that idea.

What books for entrepreneurs do you recommend? Leave a comment with your must-reads.

My parting advice is to get a contract. No matter what you’re offering, create an agreement, privacy policies, etc. for your business and website! If you need help figuring out how to go about setting agreements with your collaborations, give me a shout! I would be happy to share the tools I use.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

Garland West

Insightful social media strategies or dynamic content planning using hands-on experience as a maker and artist with a background in marketing. Need guidance? Let me help handle your tech!